Tulsa Lawrence

Tulsa Lawrence

RMT - Registered Massage Therapist

Tulsa graduated from Island Career Academy with Distinction in 2015 and is a member of the Massage Therapy Association of Nova Scotia (MTANS). Tulsa is an active community member and has been tutoring and teaching cultural fundamentals for students in primary to grade 12 since 2009.

Her love for Massage Therapy started very young. While treating her mother’s diabetic feet and seeing first-hand how beneficial it was, Tulsa knew she wanted a career that helped make a difference in people’s quality of life.

Tulsa arrives at Reboot Wellness with many continuing education certificates which she incorporates into each treatment.  Some of which include Indian Head Massage, Gua Sha, Cupping, Upper and Lower body RAPID NeuroFascial reset.  She has recently completed the multi-level RAPID NeuroFascial reset courses to become a RAPID SPECIALIST.

Tulsa has experience treating migraines, headaches, rotator cuff injuries, Tennis Elbow, TMJ dysfunction, many running injuries, post surgical inflammation, plantar fasciitis and much more.  She looks forward to creating a customized treatment plan for you!